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Common wiring mode of power meter

Author:锐捷    Time : 2020-06-03    Type:Common problem

Many customers get the power meter behind the multiple terminals scared confused, today to introduce several commonly used power meter wiring methods.

The first is a conventional RJ8921P AC-DC power meter

Conventional wiring


RJ3XX Multi-channel Power analyzer /RJ8926 multi-channel power measuring instrument a variety of different wiring modes

1. The multi-channel power measuring instrument only uses the wiring method of one channel

2, three-phase three-wire 3P3W wiring mode, suitable for measuring neutral line three-phase system, using two table method measurement, with B phase as the common end, only to ELEMENT 1 and ELEMENT 3 two power measurement channels, measured voltage for line voltage.


3, three-phase four-wire 3P4W wiring mode, suitable for measuring neutral line three-phase system.


4, three voltage and three current 3V3A connection mode, suitable for the measurement of neutral line three-phase system, the use of three table method measurement, with phase B as the common end, ELEMENT 2 channel power has no practical significance, the measured voltage for line voltage.


5. Single-phase three-wire 1P3W wiring mode is suitable for measuring the 1P3W wire system with neutral line. Only ELEMENT 1 and ELEMENT 3 power measurement channels are used.



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