RJ3563C Battery internal resistance testers provide internal resistance and battery voltage test solutions for the growing demand for battery pack internal resistance testing. Battery packs up to 1500V can be tested, covering most of the battery and battery pack tests, and the internal resistance measurement adopts a four-wire system, and its resolution is as low as 0.1μΩ to ensure the accuracy of the measurement.
The RJ3563C Battery Internal Resistance tester provides internal resistance (ACIR) and battery voltage (OCV) testing solutions for the growing demand for battery pack internal resistance testing. It can test up to 1500V battery pack, covering the vast majority of batteries and battery pack tests. The internal resistance measurement adopts four-wire system, and its resolution is as low as 0.1μΩ, ensuring the accuracy of measurement.
12 Gaorong Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao City